As this Christmas season of giving comes to a close, I would be remiss if I didn’t remind everyone of the many needs in Haiti:
We still need to build 16 more homes in the village for large families living in the filth and desperation of tent cities. The cost is $5,750.00 for bricks and mortar although the true cost, which includes interpreters, food, vehicle rentals, etc is around $10,000.00 each. A plaque can be placed on the home should you like to honor someone or simply like to write a God glorifying comment on it.
There are still dozens of children in the village who want to go to school but can’t afford the $250.00 per year cost which includes tuition, uniform and books.
Pastor Etienne’s daughter, Jacquetie, has her visa to come to the US for schooling. The first semester will cost nearly $8,000.00 in tuition, room and board. This would be a tremendous blessing for the entire family should we be able to finance her education here. She speaks perfect English and will be going into the 11th grade. If anyone would be able to provide her with housing, that would be very helpful also.
There is a big need for two hand pump wells which will cost $6,700.00 each. One at the village and one near HCRM. Water is life and a well is a necessity for good, clean water.
Federation of Lutheran Ministries, which has built a village near ours, has 45 homes available for smaller families for $1000.00 US. You will be given their family information and be able to communicate with them.
We have been helping residents of the village to start businesses. Anything from food in the market place to compressors for a tire changing/repair business. Costs generally range from $100.00 to $550.00.
Many homes in the village still have no furniture or beds and the families are sleeping on the concrete floor. A bunk bed with two mattresses costs $200.00. Tables, chairs and dishes cost from $50 to $300.00
Any size donation will help the poor in Haiti and will be a blessing to them. All donations can be made through our website or by mailing to:
Mercy International, Inc.
100 West Hosack
Boerne, Texas 78006
Thanks to each of you for your prayers. May our Lord bless each of you during the time of our Lord’s birth.